When I started thinking about the name for the brand, I wanted to somehow include my name in it. For me, coming up with a good, catchy and easy name was probably the hardest part of the brand work. I searched for nature-related words in different languages and I wanted it to be easy to pronounce also for a Finn.
I’ve always had a big love for Italy. I have been there many times, I love italian food and the culture and I’ve also studied the language a bit.
Vento is italian and means wind - tuuli. Since my last name is Tuuli, vento fit quite perfectly. The word didn’t catch my attention at first but it grew on me and I started to love it. I started to love the way it sounded, short and pithy, strong but beautiful. Easy to pronounce.
I wanted the "vento" to be included in the logo as well. The wind element is included in the logo with a wave-type graphic effect, which at the same time emphasizes the transparency of our brand.
Written by Meri, the founder of Vento Clothing
English: wind [noun] - the perceptible natural movement of the air, especially in the form of a current air blowing from a particular direction
Finnish: tuuli [substantiivi] - ilmamassojen paine-eroista johtuva ulkoilman voimakas liike